E: northallertonridingclub@gmail.com Facebook

Welcome to Northallerton Riding Club

2020 100 WinnersNorthallerton Riding Club is one of the 28 British Riding Clubs in Area 4. The aim of the movement is to promote good riding and horse care at all levels of activity. Our club gives members the chance to ride and compete together both at local and national competitions. We also hold regular training sessions on Thursday evenings at Northallerton Equestrian Centre (NEC) and various social events throughout the year.


We welcome children as JUNIORS from 8 years old and SENIOR membership from 18 years old (ages taken as of 1 January).

Our Membership fees :

All children must have an adult with parental responsibility complete the constnt form. This can be found on the membership page.

Out of your membership fee Headquarters of British Riding Clubs retain £24 for each member. This covers members for Public Liability Insurance when taking part in any activity organised by a Riding Club. You will also receive a quarterly magazine The Rider, which has information about competitions and horse care.

We are an all-inclusive riding club for all our members, so come along and get involved!!!!!

Tuition Nights:

We hold tuition on Wednesday nights, for 5 horses and sessions cost £10.00. These are usually either flat or jumping on alternate weeks. In addition, there are also sessions on Thursdays either during the day or on an evening. Sessions cost £10.00 for 5 horses per session. If you wish to join us for tuition, please text Deb on Mondays, after 7.00 pm to book a place. Please see the calendar for details. If you have booked and are unable to attend you will still have to pay or find someone to take your place.

Drill Riding:

We try and use the large outdoor arena at NEC for these sessions taken by Jan Brown, one of our instructors, with up to 12 horses. Lots of concentration is needed here to keep you and your horse going in the right direction and without colliding with each other! These sessions are great fun making horse and rider work together as part of a team.

Dressage league:

Each year we run a dressage league. These sessions are a chance for you to practice any dressage test in front of a judge and receive immediate feedback on how it went from Sara Bowe our usual judge. It is very informal and without pressure, the aim is just to have a go and have fun. We keep a record of the scores and have a fabulous trophy for the winner.

Other Training:

As well as the Wednesday night sessions at NEC we also hold training at Tom & Helen Bell's, Breckenbrough, Thirsk YO7 4EL, for cross country and jumping sessions. We have hired Canada Fields at Thrinfort for a showjumping session and Richmond Equestrian Centre for Arena Eventing practice.

If you would like us to use any particular instructors or venues please let us know.


Throughout the year, we hold various competitions; Arena Eventing, One Day Events, a Summer Show, and weather/ground dependent sometimes a Hunter Trial. These are open to all members and non-members. The funds raised from the competitions go towards subsidising tuition nights, entry fees for teams attending the championships and stabling.


The Area 4 committee, also holds qualifying competitions in all of the above and more with the winners going to the Championships. An e-mail will be circulated to members before each event asking if you would like to be on a team, if so just let Kerry know. However, if you qualify you are expected to go to the Championships which can involve a long drive to the other end of the country, so be prepared!


None of the competitions mentioned above could run without the help of members volunteering. As part of your membership in the club, you are expected to help out at least 2 events per year. There are a variety of jobs to do from helping to set up the courses and arenas the night before, stewarding, cross-country fence judging, dressage writing for the judge, and pole picking.

Each year we send around the list of events taking place and you can choose which you would like to help at and which job you would like to do. It is best to choose yourself rather than us having to chase you and give you a job that you might not like!

If you are not sure how to do a job, please ask as training can be arranged. The dressage league nights would be a great opportunity to learn how to write for a dressage judge.

Social Evenings:

We hold regular get-togethers for the senior members and sample the cuisine on offer in the local pubs. Everyone is welcome to come along. Just watch out for the emails which are an invitation for you to come along. Just put your name forward at the time.

AGM and Annual Prize Giving/Awards evening:

Our AGM is held in November in a local venue. As well as the usual reports and financial statements that have to be read and presented to the members, we also award prizes for Attendance, Most Improved Horse & Rider, Best Volunteer, Best Area 4 member, and the Dressage League winner. We recognise both junior and senior members.

Please do try and come along to this night and support the club.

Please see www.northallertonridingclub.co.uk for full details of events and competitions


© Northallerton Riding Club 2024